Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Where do we go from here?

Things are a little different now.  I'm never going to use the internet to air dirty laundry.  It's tacky, plus, what can you really believe from the internet?  Just like radio, tv, books...who's telling the truth.  All I can do is put myself out there, and people can belive what they want.

I and many of the people I've gamed with are in a new guild.  There is a bit of reformation that always takes place with these things.  It may mean a mild step backwards for a little while, but soon the machine keeps moving forward at the same speed.


That's the name.  A state of physical balance.  It's also an awesome movie.  Yes, I made "Tetragramaton" a rank, and yes, I'm it!  I'm not going to get all asian philosophical.  But it represents a lot about Cillie (my wife, the one who really runs the show) and I, how we think, how we view things.  There has to be balance in everyone's lives, and it has to permiate into all things.  You can't always be a goofball, and you can't always be deathly serious.  You can't always be yelling at people, and you can't alway be letting them walk all over you either. 

My style of leadership, which I hope people have come to enjoy, is that more can always be done by building up instead of embarrassing or breaking down.  I see the latter strategy constantly employeed in real life, and I've seen it happen online in games I play.  Hell, play League of Legends at least once and you'll see the worst of people if things don't play out perfectly.  You'll get the most heinous amount of vitriol ever.  Maybe that's a symptom of the extreme annonimity that the internet can provide people.  That's a whole different topic.

So yeah, I want to lead as someone that is a good player, always improving myself, and is level headed and respectful.  There is a way to lead people, to point out what is being done wrong, what needs to be done right, and to admit when you are wrong, without being confrontational, overbearing, or generally an asshole.  There is an excellent pic on imgur that kind of illustrates where I'm coming from. 


I want to never have unreasonable expectations, but I also don't expect to have slackers around me.  I'd like to think the people that follow me trust me, know that I know what I'm doing, and enjoy playing with me.  I think I've proven that, with getting our team to finish this tier, getting the team the "Ahead of the Curve" for Lei Shen already.  There is a certain style to leading a team, to being part of a team.  There is an atmosphere, the collection of people have their own character.  Personalities change, maybe just slightly, and in a million different ways based on the type of people that come together.  I like this team, I like it's dynamics.  There are subtle unspoken things we all do, ways that we play, we can "feel" when we are together.  We develope a rhythm, and it's a very real thing, and I want that to always be improving, building, getting stronger.

Leave a mark.  Be a part of something special.  Have fun.  That's where I'm going.

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