Sunday, July 7, 2013

It's quiet...almost...too quiet...

Bit of a dry spell since my last post, I know, I know.  But something really entertaining, that makes raiding and playing with this group of people the bets thing ever, happened on Tuesday.

We picked Horridon as our fourth heroic kill this time.  The fight isn't really harder, the only new mechanic is a pink dino that you have to punt away from yourself every few seconds.  But the health of everything just scales up enough to where everything is taking long enough to where you can't always kill everything before their mechanics take place. 

We worked on it all night, and in classic raiding fashion, the last pull of the night before our time is up, we get the kill.  We barely get the kill.  Let me show you!

We'd been refining the fight after each pull, working out cooldowns, targets, interrupts, etc.  We actually had a pull near the middle of the night where we cleared every gate, had Jallak down, and had just died to Horridon's massive damage ramp up and had tried to stay spread out to make him run people down and still dps him.  But he just had too much health and too many of us dead to make it happen.

But the pull just before this one, one of our tanks, our newest member, said something like "Man it just feels like we're regressing!"

A few of our veteran members tell him that that is exactly how things go in this guild, we pull and pull and pull, wipe and wipe and wipe, and then we decide to stop messing around at around the last ten minutes and pull out a kill.

But for this group, we started a new heroic boss and had it dead in less than three hours.  That's a record for us.  And the way it finally happened, with our ele shaman reincarnating before the last person died, getting just enough damage off before the boss melts his face, the desperation all of us were probably feeling, that we're so close and it's looking so bleak, and then we finally get him down, there are very few feelings in the world like that.  That feeling of something being so difficult, and yet a group of friends over the Internet work together, work their asses off, and see something glorious take place.  There isn't word in the English language to describe that feeling the right way, no word or phrase that expresses just the overwhelming joy, elation, the sense of victory, the camaraderie, that..."je ne sais quoi". 

To have a little fun with things:

At the 11:11 minute, when both tanks are down, we're like shit!  Everyone spreads out, trying to make Horridon run his ass all over town.  At about 12:15, Cillie is screaming.  It totally sounds like Lemarc goes into massive prayer mode.  Well,back at 12:02, Donton actually drops and comes right back up a couple seconds later.  Once Theblob goes down, Donton's all like I got this!  And then, at 12:20, that glorious moment in time, it feels kinda like this.

I hope everyone gets to have a moment like that in WoW, or in any game really.  There is just such an immense sense of accomplishment that comes from having something, it could be raiding, it could be PvP, it could be getting to the level cap first on your server, whatever it is for you.  But that moment of triumph, where something was difficult, and failure could be at any moment, but you make the right decisions, you make the right plays when they matter the most, and you get the win.  I hope each and every person gets to share that type of feeling at least once in their life.  It is a cherishable moment, once that I will remember fondly for a very very long time. 

Or until Cillie bakes me a cake.  ;)

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