Sunday, September 29, 2013

Welcome To The New Age

SoO is in full swing!

World first race is still on, with a few 10's and 25's working Garrosh over and over.  Flex has come out, and people are using that.  LFR wings are starting to open, and the hilarity there is starting to ramp up.

For Equilibrium, we're doing everything.  Our core 10 is sitting right now on 11/14, much faster progress that we've ever had before in our raiding lives.  We're really impressed with ourselves, and now that we have recruiting (hopefully) finished for this tier (hopefully forever, but I know real life always comes in eventually), we're really cooking along with a real solid team.  Impudence over on alliance finally downed Garrosh, mad props to them, can't wait to join them and work on heroics.

Equilibrium has absorbed a lot of new people recently.  I'd like to brag and think it's because Cillie and I are just sooooo awesome and badass.  But I know it's pretty much probably just because other people aren't organizing what we are organizing.  Our officer core is doing a fantastic job of arranging guild Flex raids, and we're running those with almost 25 people every single time.

Hell, we even started doing guild LFR runs, so more people can get that done without the wipe fest most seem to be lately.

We've got a lot of new people getting into raiding.  Which is very awesome!  Eldre'thalis needs a lot more raiders, especially on horde side.  We've got a lot of people that are very new to organized raiding though.  I want to spend a little time on Raid Etiquette.

Raid Etiquette:

First, and most important, and encompasses many things, is be respectful of everyone else's time.  Your time is being spent partaking in the raid, but so is everyone else's.  If you are being a distraction to the raid, you aren't slowing yourself down, you are slowing down and wasting the time of everyone else.  It's considered "bad form", and if you do it too much, you may find yourself not being invited back again.

I compare this to a radio show that I sometimes listen to, called The Rick And Bubba Show.  On this radio show, they have a segment where they allow anyone to call in, and for thirty seconds, you can talk about whatever you want.  They preface this segment by telling the audience to keep in mind something very important.  If you were to listen to yourself, would you feel like you are being annoying, a waste of time, or would you feel like you were entertaining and informative.

I want my raiders, all of them, to have that kind of mindset when they get into raid.  Especially on Mumble.  Yes, we're all online at the same time, and all chatting in Mumble together.  However, raid time isn't social time.  Shout outs to each other, talking about non-raid stuff, stuff of that nature shouldn't be going on.  When trash is being killed, when the raid gets to a boss and it's time for a strat recap, it isn't time to goof off.

Don't get me wrong, we'll joke around in raid, and maybe the occasional off topic thing might be talked about.  But when it is constant, that's when it becomes a nuisance, and that's when it is counter productive to the raid.  The raid is here to progress through the highest content in WoW, that is it's main goal, it's focus, the reason why everyone is showing up.  That's where the focus should be, not elsewhere.

Second, gear, and guild resources.  After each boss kill, everyone is always excited about their gear drops whenever they happen.  Naturally you want to put it on, trick it out, and be better than you were before.  However, spamming chat or Mumble for every enchant, gem, reforge mount, etc, slows down the raid.  Yes, you might see a 1% overall improvement in your performance, but you are actually wasting everyone's time while we wait for all that stuff to take place.  Wait until a break, or the raid is over, to take care of that kind of stuff.  And don't expect the guild to fund all of that stuff.  All those enchants and belt buckles and shoulder/leg enchants and gems, etc, take people time to acquire, and definitely not in the amount needed to give everyone in the guild whatever they want whenever they want it.

My 10 man team pools resources so that key people take care of key items, however, that doesn't mean that we've put in the time for another 30+ people to share those resources.  You should never expect that, just because you are raiding, that all the mats for everything are going to be welfare'd out to you.  Everyone needs to be able to either provide their own mats, or work with other raiders (or anyone really, doesn't need to be with people in the guild) where you agree to provide each other certain things.  The guild bank is not Good Will.

Third, reputation.  You are part of a guild, a very successful guild, but don't think that gives you the ability to "shit talk" over the Internet.  Just like how a business cares about what it's employees are saying on Social Media sites, or to people in public, a guild cares about that too.  If you are a dick to people, you will be kicked out.  That can include things other than just what you say.  It includes what you do.  We've reformed the entire guild before because of a minority, we'll do the same any time it is needed.  If someone is harassing you, find a way to deal with it like a responsible adult.  Remember, this is just a game, and the moment it becomes abuse, that's when it should be walked away from.  Put someone on ignore, get a GM involved, do whatever it takes to separate yourself from the issue.  There isn't any good coming from nerd raging over something as insignificant as what anyone could ever say (or do) in WoW.

Fourth, have fun.  Once this all is no longer fun, then it's time to put it away and move on to something else.  Yes, there are some guidelines to follow so that you don't ruin the fun for others.  And once everyone decides to get along, then everyone is having a lot more fun, and we have an even bigger reason to keep playing.  Be respectful of each other, and yourself, and you'll enjoy this game and this community more and more.

Fifth, send me all your gold.  No?  Meh, it was worth a shot.

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