Monday, December 9, 2013

Breakfast of Champions. And...To Infiinty...And BEYOND!

Mine consisted of:

Coffee, Folgers + Splenda + Hazelnut Creamer
Almond Joy, Large
League of Legends, Jayce (normal/draft, loss) + Sona (aram, win)

Yeah, good breakfast for the most part.  Jayce, get your shit together, why did you lose vs Teemo top?

As I'm writing this up, Cillie is taking her last final for this semester.  After this, she has one more semester to go before she's graduated, and we move back to GA!  So...I guess this post is all about the future.

We've all seen the WoD coverage, posts from the devs afterwards, raiding is changing in a big way.  The whole "20 man" thing.  Mythic.

There's something funny about our server.  Apart from the only actual 25 man raiding team on the server, all of the big 10 man teams have all messaged Cillie about them and us merging for the expansion.  From the alliance, we were propositioned pretty early, and invited to join them.  Never gonna happen.  We like our raiding and guild environment the way we make it.

From the horde side, it was kind of a chuckle.  We were propositioned as if their team were better, and we've be helping ourselves out more by joining them.  At the time, we were 5/14h (a week later 6/14h) and they had just killed Immerseus heroic.

An even bigger "no".  Here's the thing, and I can't speak for alliance side because I haven't seen what their Flex scene is like over there, but besides us, I actually see Little Big Guild getting into some serious progression later on in WoD, hell maybe even some heroics this tier before WoD goes live, they certainly have enough time, and they are already getting serious strats for the Klaxxi fight for the first time.  Plus, we've done some Flex with them, and they have a lot of really really strong raiders over in that guild.

Beyond that, nobody else is farming Flex players right now.  We're a small server, horde side, with few teams really raiding.  Our second team is doing better than most main teams are, they one-shotted two new bosses to put them at 11/14.  Some of that has to do with our guild fostering a strong Flex community, and working with people outside of our own to build a raiding community from the ground up.  Besides LBG and us, I don't see that happening elsewhere.

I'm sorry MR, but we got a lot of your population because you held your Flex to just your core people.  Bad move.

Anywho, I'm excited, really excited, for our prospects in WoD.  We have two very good teams, the leadership is incredibly in sync, and we have some good raiding relationships with a lot of people out there.  Come WoD, where Flex is the norm except for the very top of the player base, we've already got it down.

If Cillie hadn't been working so hard, so long ago, through multiple tiers, to get a second team raiding, I don't know if we would be in this position.  She's got much better long term vision than most people in ET.  Without her leadership, EQ wouldn't be where it is today.  Sure, I can break down a strat and call things out with the best of them, but running a guild, managing people, keeping the soul of a guild going, and building, that's something she does better than anyone I know.

So...yeah, bring on WoD whenever Blizz, we got this.

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