Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A feel a disturbance in the force...

Not in a good way, not in the "Luke coming to save the day" kind of way at all.  More along the lines of the "I have a bad feeling about this" kind of way.  Why, you ask?  Check out that time frame for posts.  Draenei Females first week of April.  All that other crap, no freaking eta at all.



Before I get all Denis Leary rant on this, I'm going to at first assume that this means nothing at all.  That this tweet has absolutely not one thing to do with beta in the slightest.

But maybe...

Maybe if they are not getting these new player models posted until months and months apart from each other, maybe they are really fuck-all behind on WoD.  I'm going Mad Max on this train of thought.

They have had months, since September 2013 to be solely focused on WoD after the launch of SoO.  And here we are, the end of March 2014, only having shared a few of the new player models.  No Draenei, Tauren, Blood Elf, etc.

There is the possibility that beta won't be delayed because of the player models taking holy fuck forever.  Maybe we'll get a beta drop, and they will just start filtering in the new player models as they get completed.  But if that were the case, that they would handle things like that, we'd have been in WoD beta months ago, testing out their zones, scripts, ferreting out bugs and crap long ago, with them  adding in completed player models one by one as the art team gets done with them.

But that's not the world we're living in.  We're on the threshold of being stuck in the longest tier of raiding in WoW history, if they just do their average time frame on getting a beta started and beta duration.  ICC?  That will look like the new normal if things keep getting delayed.  This time, right here, right now, is when Blizz needs to put their big boy pants on and get shit out the door, or else all that talk, for months, years, Blizzcon, dev blogs, all that bullshit gets thrown right the fuck out because they can't deliver on what they say they want so desperately to deliver on.  Shorter cycles between content launches.

Blizzard, you've been touting that line for a really long time now.  And you sure as shit aren't living up to it unless you do something amazing really quick.

It's the kind of relationship going on like when you are a kid, and your dad or mom or older sibling that can drive says that they are going to take you somewhere and do something that you've been dying to go/do for a really long time.  For days and weeks they get you hyped up, talking a big game about how they are going to have so much fun with you doing whatever it is you want to do with them.  And the day comes, they come up with some random excuse, and maybe it's a valid reason for adults, but when they spent all that time getting you hopped up about it, that all it turns about to be for you is a huge fucking let down.

That's how this is turning out Blizzard.

Yes, I know that Blizz is going to put out great games.  I've been with the Blizzard crew since Rock n' Roll Racing.  I got my entire bunch of friends at school hooked on WC2 when it came out on PC.  I've been loyal to Blizzard for over twenty years.  I've been more than patient.  But you really need to understand something about us gamers Blizzard, which you should know because you are us also.  We sit still for a fucking year or more, and we're gone.

My wife, our guild leader, is looking at ESO.  I'm staring at Wildstar (maybe not seriously but as a diversion until Blizzard gets their asses in gear).  Others are looking at being stuck in SoO for longer than a year and it does not look fun at all.

Do something Blizzard.  You should have done something a long fucking time ago.  You have been talking a big fucking game about having these shorter dev cycles, and all we are getting is updates on the fucking Heroes of the Storm alpha patch notes.

But like any good Dennis Miller rant, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

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