Saturday, March 1, 2014


That's something that is almost impossible to have online.  Why?  Anonymity.  It's the internet, nobody really knows you unless they already know you in real life. a jackass online, no repercussions.  Unless you are in EQ.

If you are reading this, you either know me in real life or in game as a guildie.  And you also know Cillie, my wife, the gm of the guild.  You know how hard she works to get people into raiding, be it flex or heroics or normals.  You know she cares about her rep and the guild's rep.  She is openly friendly, puts together fun events, does give-aways, and is an all around fun person to play with.

You may also be aware of her kicking out one of our former members because they had a history of being very juvenile to others in WoW.  Or maybe you didn't, but you do now.  Or how she kicked someone for raging over the BMAH.  Both were good raiders.  But attitude and personality mean more than posting good numbers in a raid.

So it comes as a little surprise when three people from the top 10-man ally guild hop onto their horde alts and give her shit.  I'm not talking about trash talking.  I'm talking about abusive language.  Trying to instigate a fight.  Belittlement.  Slander.  Real fifth grade kind of crap.

And for what?  Yeah, our main 10-man team was only 2 bosses begind them.  Some would say that it's close, but not for the bosses that we were up against.  Siegecrafter and Klaxxi.  Fights that take a lot of pulls to figure out.  Harder for us when we had a tank that had the raid awareness of a toothpick.  We're close, closer than anyone, but still a ways off.

Which really makes me wonder why the malicious trolling?  Yeah, we showed up all of a sudden with 4 heroic 25-man kills.  Big woop.  The other 25-man guild is at 12/14.  Why all the hate for us?  Why all the hate against Cillie?

Maybe they were just being little kids?
Maybe that's how they have fun?
Maybe they actually feel threatened by us?
Maybe they are salty when we turned them down for a merge for Mythic 20-man in WoD?

At the end of the day though, they are strangers over the internet.  All I can do is control myself, and to an extent my guild mates.  I won't ever tolerate anyone in my guild treating others how they treated us.  Like I said, Cillie has cleaned people out for crap like that.

But you better understand that I'll defend any of my guild mates, from a recruit to the gm, against anyone being an assclown to any of us.

I'm going to call back to some of my earliest posts, where I talk about 'coming out, guns blazing!'.  I'm getting that feeling again, like it won't be that hard to do.  We're always recruiting, we're always looking at how we can improve ourselves.  Watch us, you might see us get further than anyone else some day.  And it's going to be a great day.

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