Sunday, April 6, 2014

Randomness, no witty title here...

Some times I wonder about people, the decisions they make, why.  This is going to be me rambling for a bit.  Skip this post if you don't care about my inner thoughts.

I'm glad we switched to 25's when we did.  There is a lot of headache going on.  You'll read, maybe even reread those two sentences and think they don't belong together.  But they do.

Why am I glad for the headache?

Two situations.  Situation A takes place now, while we are stuck in SoO.  Situation B is the launch of WoD.  In both situations, a guild is restructuring from 10's to 20/25's.  People deciding to quit, take breaks, join other teams, other servers, all sorts of crap.  To me, situation A is better for that to take place, while the tier is old news, the 'race' is over, people are progressing at their own pace.  Situation B puts pressure on everyone, and any kind of slowdown is catastrophic.

Thankfully, we live in situation A.  Found out some people weren't actually interested in the larger raid size when they said they were.  Found out that people were already pushing their computers to their limits on 10's and 25's were unplayable.  Found out some people couldn't handle that we'd be in SoO for as long as we are going to be.  Found out some people are just dicks.

Also found out that there are a shit ton more people out there looking for a home.  Found out that some people are going to help simply because they like the people they are playing with and want their group to succeed.  Found who real friends are, even with internet anonymity.

I'm not upset at anyone.  Sure there is disappointment from time to time.  Disappointment at all that time spent with some people, and it means nothing.  I mean philosophy hasn't changed, guild is still being ran the same as ever.  So that means that other people's intentions have changed.  And that's fine, it's going to happen, unavoidable.  Just leaves a sour taste.

Anywho.  I'm enjoying the group we got, and look forward to the next expansion.  It can only be better.  

And I've seen what happens when I'm not around.

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