Sunday, June 29, 2014

2+ lane roads...

Okay, I'm going to get old school ranty on this one, like, Dennis Leery bitching people out.

Multi-lane freeways, that's where you have more than one lane going in the same direction, obviously a huge metric fuck ton of you out there have no clue how to drive on them.  At all.

First off, some basics:

"Slow traffic use right lane".  You don't have to be some CIA cryptologist to figure this out.  If you are driving slower than those around you, put your ass in the right fucking lane.  Don't sit in the left lane thinking it is okay, because it fucking isn't.  Put your blinker on, and get your slow ass the fuck over.

Side note, use your fucking blinkers.  None of us cab read your retarded minds.  Same with headlights at night.  You probably aren't wearing a seatbelt either, you lazy shits.

"Passing".  Now a good driver will be cruising in the right lane, no matter their speed.  When they come across a driver in front of them, they will singal their intent to pass them on the right, check their mirrors, change lanes and, once a few car lengths beyond the passed vehicle, merge back into the right lane.

If you see others that are moving faster than you and about to pass you, don't fucking cut them off because you think that if you don't get into the left lane right fucking then, then you'll be forever stuck in the right lane.  Let the faster traffic pass both you and the car in front of you, THEN you can pass.  Or, an alternative which is perfectly fine, is to speed up and pass at a speed that does not impair the speed of others.

Now, if you are "passing" someone, but you are going the same speed, or even so barely faster that it will take several minutes to pass the traffic on the right, then guess what, yer the fuck-tard.  That's right, you are the assclown that is fucking everything up for everyone else.  Get a little more speed and get the fuck around an over.  Trust me it's okay, you can slow back down again once you are back in the right lane.  You really can use your gas pedal a little bit harder for a few seconds, it's not going to kill you.

"Cruising".  I don't give a rats shitty asshole if you are in a fucking McLaren, it doesn't matter if you are doing 160 miles an hour.  If you aren't actively passing someone, get over into the fucking right lane you asswad.

In short, people, quit being inconsiderate clueless dipshits on multi-lane roads.  You should have been tested on this simple shit when you got your liscence, and it isn't like this shit is fucking rocket science.  And if you know you do this type of shit and you just don't care, then you, sir or madam, can suck a thousand dicks.

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