Sunday, October 12, 2014

It's the end of the world as we know it!

As the Mists of Pandaria expansion comes to a close, I'd like to take a bit of time to reflect on it.  

So over the entire expansion, we've had a lot of changes.  Pet battles, farms, new raid modes, scenarios.  Man, Blizz really threw a lot at us, especially the longest end tier ever, ungh, a year and a half Blizz?  Really?

On the guild side of things, holy crap a lot has happened.  We switched factions just before the expansion started.  We had a complete guild breakup mid ToT.  We ended up having three separate 10m raid teams.  We even dabbled early on in SoO with h25m, getting up to spoils if I remember correctly.

We've had some people come and go, and we've actually experienced guild and server growth at the end of the expansion when typically there is the exact opposite.

Cillie reformed the guild under her sole leadership.  Yes she'll say I help run things, but really we all know she does like 99% of the work.  And she's pretty damn good at it, since we all like being here.

Then we got the worst news imaginable.  Cillie has an as-of-yet incurable form of cancer.  When that could have caused rifts or drama, instead it brought us all even closer together.  I opened my big fat mouth about it, and how much we want to thank Blizzard for making these great games, which led to an outpouring of support from complete strangers over the internet than I could have ever imagined.

In the face of something horrific, we've found people that truly care for us, that are helping us live a dream that we've had since the first days of us playing WoW together, which is to go to Blizzcon together.  With everyone's help, both in real life and through WoW, we're getting to do just that.  And Chinglish, twitch streamer from Australia, is donating his hotel room to us!  I mean how fucking cool is that huh?!

It's been a hell of a year, in every way possible.  Becoming the front running horde guild on ET.  Midnight Reverence may want to contest it, but they really can't, kudos to them though, they're a solid group of people there.  

So we find ourselves in an amazing position.  We've got more members that have grown in skill together.  Cillie's gotten even better than before at keeping a guild full of crazies working together.  And me, well, I guess I'm still qualified to lead a team, hopefully that continues. ;)

I want to give a shout out here to all the men and women that have raided with me.  The group comp has changed a lot over the entirety of MoP, but the core philosophy, culture, and atmosphere has stayed a constant.  That's something that will stay as well as we move into WoD in just a few weeks.

While some of you have raided in the guild, but maybe not with me in progression, I look forward to having that opportunity with you in the 30m flex normal/heroics and in the 20m mythic mode.  For some of you who haven't done progression raiding, pushing server first type of raiding, it can be a lot of fun and extremely rewarding.  It's a struggle for sure, but those kills at the very top end of the difficulty are extremely satisfying.

For everyone looking at that type of raiding in WoD, be as prepared as you can be.  Blizzard is making tons of changes to every class, professions, all sorts of stuff.  Once raiding opens up after the first two weeks of WoD launch, be ready to hit all those bosses hard and fast.  We're going to prove to the entire server that we are the horde on ET.  Lok'tar ogar!

Most importantly, thank you all, every member, for being a part of our WoW family.  This isn't a guild without each of you.  I'm proud to play this game, spend my time, with you.  Thank you for making this game so fun for me!

Now let's get ready to beat up some orcs of lore, and show them what a real horde is like!  For the horde!

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